2nd Annual Lia Collision Center Car Show: July 24th, 2011

Yeah, they were. We had a convorsation about me apparently being the one who started all this trouble and all these problems, i agreed i added to it, but it wasnt me who made it what it is. A forum member pointed me out to howard and he tried to punk me and it didnt go as he had planned plain and simple as i said everything ive ever said online right to his face. If he had approached me with a better attitude and asked me to please stop and that he didnt like it instead of trying to rage at me and me laughing at him, i probably would of appologized and it would of been done with but, he decided to go a different way with it claiming to be a professional and a business man yet, screaming at me in front of 80 people watching him and clearly saying wtf is this guys problem. So it was a good time. Honestly, no hard feelings to him. Im not even mad at the guy, he said what he had to say as did i. Could of went differently if he had a better attitude and acted like an adult but, it is what it is.