it’s interesting when you wake up in your bed and you have to backtrack to figure out what exactly led up to you being like, right there, in true rules of attraction reverse playback
good times last night…
i wasnt even drunk and i had blast… :tup:
was a lil buzzed early on but that went away and i just had straight fun with everyone! good times!
might post some pics later…
and about the quasi-slut crap…i wasnt gonna say anything, but come on, honestly, its St Pattys, some of us did last year, and decided to again this year for tradition, no clothes came off, no gestures or T&A shakin’ happened…so wtf? its all in good fun…
thanks for throwing the ice at some of us…i didnt get hit by a piece cuz i dodged a few…very cool guys :tdown:… i thought we were all going out as friends to have fun…if you’re going to criticize people on holidays that involve drinking…then dont even bother coming out.
i usually dont speak up about drama crap…but come on, really? is that necessary?
people did/said way more stupid shit last night and yet this gets picked at for 2 pages?
atleast i can say i havent slept/messed around with ANYONE on this forum like some other girl(s) on here… now who’s a slut? quasi or not.
^^ I dont think the ice throwing was meant to be asshole-ish. I even threw ice at stairs but I threw it when she was looking at me and we both laughed. I dunno, I thought everyone was just joking? But then again my thinking was a little…umm cloudy.
Anyways, I had an awesome time. I usually hate going downtown but last night was a blast (in matts mouth). Nyspeeders were rocking the dancefloor! Lets see some picssss