september 23 2006 Sinister's bachelor party

pittspeed lets get this started

figure start out penn brewery for the roctoberfest meet up around 7

then southside for bar crawl

if we want we can meet at my new place in south fayatte and i have my yukon…fits a bunch but i know im not driving it back! ahah

sounds like a plan to me

can’t wait this should be fun

I’m offering my assistance as a designated driver…in case you boys party it up too much. I’d rather get a call and come drive you home then hear of anyone driving smashed!! …this is only cause this is a once an a lifetime thing YA KNOW sinister having a girl wanting to marry him. :wink:

oh man… im gonna call and meet up with you guys somewhere later that night. have previous arrangements earlier

yeah I am not sure if I can attend, i gave up drinking for lent. good luck!

I’m in if you want me to attend. But I can’t get drunk because I gotta do stuff early on Sunday (Range Officer at an NRA match), so I can offer driving services.

did you douche your vag today to…


you gonna stay out late??

umm yeah ok!

I could help DD possibly

coiol i need people top get drunk and stupid to


sounds like you guys are going to have one hell-uv-a circle jerk contest.



u never invited me

just put up the post now

we just firgued what we are doing today!

come on old baldie locks…sam’s dissing me…get lou frankie spankme your dad dago hell i dont care

yeah def get dago i wanna drive tha lil cart that goes in water in the river and down south side

Yeah, I’ll be out for a while.