3/27 madness

Pump gas, street tires, 1/8 mile

pump gas, wastegate spring, street tires, 1/4 mile

gtf outta here w/ 1/8 mile :rofl

hell fucking no :rofl
talk to me when i throw the dp on and tune it

^ still gonna be a dumpy subaru.

8th mile FTL.

lets identify team arod…white turbo hatch (jrod) you will know when you see it.

and a teal hatch B20 allmotor. thats it

That guy in the blue hatch is just a follower, we’ve always known that.

is that teal hatch driven by someone that works in the rotterdam industrial park by any chance?


White hatch? Whats his teal car have the b20 and juan got a new shell?

Yeah prolly that teg front eg hatch.

Or maybe Juan painted his Hatchie

I lit my exhaust gasket on fire from that 40 bomb.


how many times you gonna have problems with that exhaust?

The exhaust is fine, it’s just the stupid fucking gaskets explode/discintigrate every fucking 500 miles.

Synapse (and ZZP) built the actual exhaust, which hasn’t had a single problem to this date.

just weld the flanges together lol

Obviously the vehicle is so high performance that it just burns the gaskets away with each shift

And I thought about welding the flanges… several times. :lol

Or use better gaskets… lol

With my luck the metal gasket will melt or some other outrageous mishap will occur.


no gasket