amanda baked cookies today… i think that’s what gave me heartburn…
can you show her baked goods? :naughty:
you need juno “highspeed” 56k :kekegay:
just added the cheese
to what?
yummmmmmm brb gotta finish makin
kraft mac and cheese
dont forget the man gravy
here’s an old pic of her in the kitchen… where a woman belongs…
those are some pretty nice ta ta’s
brb… putting pizza in oven.
hotdog in the donut?
theres no goddamn quick snacks in this house, looks like its marlboro’s and mt dew
donut’s been asleep for hours…
i haven’t been home in weeks… i’ve pretty much moved into amanda’s.
did i wear her out last night? :idb:
hah… you couldn’t get laid in a nymphomaniacs group therapy session.
she looks yummy
i found a pic of my old truck! if gas wasn’t so expensive…