3/31 Como Park Backroads Cruise

Hopefully the weather will be nice like it was last year. Whos interested in this? I know me and chris(SoloIIScoob) will be home that weekend and the week before it.

Noon meet up, 4 pm cruise time or so.

Depends if my wheels/tires are in by then :frowning:

you think the weather will be nice by march?

god, i want spring to come, but at the same time, i dont want it to come until the bimmer is done…

I don’t want to be in the shop on nice days!

last year it was really nice at the end of march, i had the cobra out second last week for march if i remember correctly. time to put in some OT on that bimmer newman :)!

yeah, seriously, there is still so much work to be done…

I might need to get some messican laborers!

hmmmm, if the roads are salt free…this is possible.

damn, i would love to. depends on if my car is back from hybrid and i get the tune traight with it by then. other than that im totally down for it.

yeah, the thing is, backroads in march, even if they are salt free, still have TONS of shit on them.

We did this last year so we’ll see whats up this year as we get closer…A meet at como park either way could happen.

im down

i’d probably be in for this, but i work on sat till 6 :frowning: wtb sunday meets

all over this like code red on Dos

Eeek. Cutting it super close. My engine is supposed to be finished mid-end of March. Then I’ve gotta get it in, along with some other things before I drive. No garrantee yet.

speaking of which, do you want a ride?

yeah sunday would be better, but if this is gonna be big, i’ll take off work. and Dave, if you want theres a seat for ya in the GTO if you dont have another ride.

it will probabaly rain

Might be interesting.

What do you care you drive an evo. :stuck_out_tongue:

count me out until further notice…for many reasons

1 - highly doubt that all the salt will be cleared by march…

2 - snow leaves behind lots of dirt in 99% of places…and i dont want to be doing any aggressive driving on backroads…and then hit a dirt/sand patch and lose the rear…

3 - i dont plan on even putting plates on the car until mid april…if that even

4 - cold weather = unhappy tires/traction…another way to lose the rear around one of those roads

Plus, i think you’re jumpin the gun big time here Dave…lets wait a few weeks to see what the forecast will be like that weekend…and even if we get a good forecast, we’ll need a lot of rain in the week or two before hand to clean the roads…

Too early for me, maybe if it were mid April.

Yea Chris, a ride home would be awesome! I agree its a little early to settle on a date. I just wanted to really get this out there and get people to notice. I also based date on when I’d be home and when we had one last year so. We’ll wait and see what happens.