4/29 Backroad Cruise

Typical meet up place - Como Park for those who don’t know. Noon meet up 2ish cruise? Really gauging interest right now.

can someone pm me the typical place…i would like to show up but i dont know where it is…:bloated:

Edited for the new members that haven’t attended before.

possibly in. im already planning on going up to mighty that night so maybe start a little later and meet with everyone else at 9 @ mighty?

Wait… Como park as in on william street?

Your PA ‘location’ confuses me…

And the thought that something like this could occur literally 1/4 mile away from me is just crazy… Never would have thought it before i was on this forum…

Yes in NY. I was planning on coming home this weekend but thats not happening anymore. You guys have fun!

Aww, is anyone going to go on sat? what time? I live like 1-2 mins from there… haha

Lets hope the weather holds out.

if it stays nice i’ll be down

Nothing wrong with a little rain… :wink:

Is anyone with a weedwacker planning on going?

Im bring the vtek weedwacker :wink:

I’d like to make it, If someone could give me directions or and address so I could map quest since I been here like 2 months I’m still getting use to the area

NO, Como Park as in on Como Park Blvd. in Depew. But you were close.

meh…maybe, maybe not…

if i dont work maybe

if it dont rain maybe

there is when you are in a convertible :wink:

We’ll see what its like out

Possibly as long as it’s not raining.

Thats why you put the top UP :wink: