spangler huh…
technically he wasn’t “driving”
Hell, Pewters sister did that probably 25-30 years ago…Pewter, you remember that?..I’ll let him tell you about it.
you can’t post that up and not tell the story.
which sister?
yea i did that when i was 3 also in my dads iroc and ran over neighbors mail box
yup,my youngest sister did in a 79 blazer ,only TOTAL a house!
oh thats it just a house !
that how we got the lower lot!!:kekegay:
it only went from where my wife parks down to the middle of the lower lot!
she get hurt?
nope,she jumped out about the alley!
sounds like she had a escape plan before she even started
yup,tuck & roll
She must of learn that from you in the chevette :kekegay:
that was befor vette times!