300ZX + Cow = This Car

pissed me off to see this Z31 today in the morning on the way to work…

picture came out a LOT better than i thought it would, since i have a cheap audiovox camera phone, and snapped it real quick with my hand moving all over the place, before a semi came up on my left and blocked my view of the milk-mobile…

if i coulda, i woulda got a shot of the back bumper too…where it said…no joke, “got milk?” damn i wanted to punch the person that did that to the car…

luckily i saw a really clean black Z31 on the 198 to 33 ramp coming home from school this afternoon…that made me feel a bit better i guess…

uck… who the hell does that.

there’s a white eclipse around town here with purple spots all over it. just sickens me.

eww really??

pff… that guy was all around UB when I went there… Dunno if it still is… There’s also an old 80’s cowrolla that was at UB too.

isnt that ur car


yep, this car is seen at UB quite often, I say :tup:, not :tdown:

are you serious?

you are pissed because some guy painted a 1980 nissan, like a cow?

who cares?

I see better, nicer cars ruined everyday.


hmm new mr mod?


well said.

at least its not pink like someones e30 is/was

lol minglor 1 dirty 0

i used to see a similar car at the nissan dealer a few years back. i think it said “COW CAR 2” on the side in a real blocky font. i always though it was kinda funny :gotme:

why thank ya mister beckin’ton ah reckon yuh done made him stuh-fooow

yeah hes still around ub, i think its funny. :tup:

I “know” the kid that had this at one point. I went to HS with him.

I have no idea if he still drives it.


ive seen this quite a few times… thought it was quite amusing

I think it’s still around UB now and again. At first I didn’t care for it but it has deffinately grown on me.
How about these other local favorites…

What about the Zebra car?

Or the Lepard car?

And the Lepard car chasing the Zebra car around?

kcuv decided against flat black?

i don’t care that they “ruined” that car… i’m just embarrassed for the person who though it would be/is cool… fucking nerds. (ib4grillreference)

i looked at pic and paint looks really well done. how do ppl get time to paint cars like cows???

if you’re in the left lane and it’s coming up quick on ya, you better moooooooooo-ve over.

omg, that was cheesy to the point where I laughed.