300ZX Twin Turbo Rear-End

I can get a complete 300zx twin turbo rear end from a friend of my fathers…

It has EVERYTHING… subframe, shocks, brakes, 5 lug setup, rims, wheels… EVERYTHING.

Its even in pretty mint shape…

I obviously have no use for this as the diff on a 240 would be crap I’m told… I’ve been told the subframe bolts right up to a 240? in which case you could use the ruca, suspension etc… ?

If anyone is interested or could point me into the direction as to where I Could try selling this thing… please let me know



the 300zx rear subframe is wider than a 240’s. everything from the subframe out can be used though since the 300 and 240 share the same “to subframe” mounting points.

If you can get the wheels…that would be a good thing. I would love to have another pair of TT rear wheels

He wants me to buy it all as one piece or whatever…

I may tell him its worthless and I’ll give him $100-$200 perhaps

I personally am not interested in a single piece. If anything perhaps the Calipers but not worried about the rear… I’d like Fronts.