32 and I'm thinkin about it....

Still getting your kicks living through Mark, eh? Tsk, Tsk, J…

All i’m going to say is that this thread makes me upset. That’s it. I’m done.

only reason u say that is cause ur a girl

agreed :word: :wiggle:

:bloated: Do you love your family at all? Do the vows you took mean nothing to you? Sure it’s healthy to want to look and fantasize, but to actually get a retarded idea in your head about cheating on your wife is well… retarded.

Agreed…You’re are 32 and a father act like it

First time I’ve ever agreed with you.

Really though…Looking? Fine. Maybe a little fanatasizing?Perfectly normal. But there’s a fine line between human nature and actually considering going after this girl.

Hit it and quit it. J/K do the right thing :slight_smile:

hey, your only human. but dont lt ya wife find out, women never understand and youll never live it down. but put yaself in her shoes-would u want her thinkin the same thought about another guy …?

why would you come online and post personal problems? call your friends

I am not gonna cheat on the wife…I was just lookin…drank way to many pops and started gettin stupid ideas…this chick aint even into me…was just cool havin a hottt chick over to the house playin cards. There were eight of us hangin out, playin cards…was cool. being married I dont get to do shit like that often. just got me thinkin about the old days.


I was lmao reading this post.
HRK is always good for an entertaining post.:tup:

Edit: P.S. Don’t ever cheat.

that indeed was truly hilarious. you should give him beer, it just gets better from there.

…but girls are brought up in such a way that their entire life revolves around marriage. :gotme:


////\ funny shit


i will be making an appearance at twisted’s house this coming weekend, come enjoy my antics

last time i was there for, Juan’s birthday, i was trying to hammer out a sex-for-turbo-kit deal with Akvile

obvioulsy the deal didnt go thru, we couldnt come to acceptable terms for each side … :gotme: basicly it came down to her just not wanting to have sex with me … :rofl:

Anyone I know that I tell this to thats engaged, they just don’t listen, they’ll listen once they pay alimony and child support

edit: marriage in America is really just a farce these days it seems, a lot of people don’t really respect the vows of marriage that they take, I guess its reflective of a society where even at the highest levels, people blantantly lie