When people get older...

Ok so i 19 going on 20 and i grew up with some people in the years .I used to be friends with when i was very little and then I finally meet them again .The girl looks hot as hell ,how did this happen? She was an ugly ,pimpled,chubby girl and now looks like a full on model .Well Anyone else have similar views? I just thought it was crazy hot she was beat now she’s probably getting ravage by who ever she wants.

Oh the Ugly Duckling Syndrome. The good thing about that is she probably has a really great personality since she recently grew into her looks. Ask her out and see what happens.

^shallow hal was a great movie.

I was at a party a couple yrs ago and ran into a girl that that happened to. It was wierd because she used to be this goodie two shoes in HS and would always be teachers pet and pretty much everyone wanted to kick her in the teeth. Then when we ran into her at that party she was all normal acting and pretty hot all of a sudden. Good times.

Hit it before she realizes she got hot and raises her standards


lol, I always enjoy reading your posts.
What about all those hot chicks from hs that are nasty now though. I think it’s great.

got to love when they hit the wall at 23

Yeah, the “hotties” from HS that are now fat and busted makes my fuckin day!!

^Amen brother.

hahahaha i wonder if they still think there the shit

Planing on it ASAP

thats from all the tanning, and drinking too much, and blowing so many guys. now they are beat and undesirable

Yup gotta love the hot girl from high school who just parties her way through college and post college then one day finds herself to be an ugly chubby townie.

Pics of said girl or it’s a man.

Wait till your 10-year re-union, boy you’re gonna be in for a shock.

Mine’s this year. Im not going though. I dont really want to see anybody I graduated with.


haahaha i could hardly follow the OP, worse than my english/typing/postingskills

idk any ugly girls who turned hot but i know hot girls who turned ugly :smiley:

The girls get ugly because they go to college and drink themselves to death which leads to weight gain and they get lazy and fat and eat and bang everything in sight and yeah there ya go.

We had a 5-year recently, I didn’t bother going for the same reason.