33 Reasons the Steelers will WIN Sunday!

One of the Noc guys in boston faxed us a paper saying we were going to loose. No clue why it did it in a fax other then to bust our balls.

That is against the law under the HEPA laws. You’re not allowed to share confidential patient information like that. So I’m going to have to say that any professional minded doctor knows better than to gossip about patients especially someone so high profile.

i love polamalu. but he might as well not even have arms, he just smashes his head into things and hopes they fall over. eventually he is going to have a broken neck or brain trauma. it’s doesn’t matter though, he’ll see silver and kill it. i’ve never seen a player with more heart than troy. GO STEELERS!!!

troy is likely to quit at anytime because he’s not ur average person… great player and sincer guy but he a fucken weirdo… dont be surprised to see him quit because he feels like it.

i’ve seen a bunch of steelers with more heart than troy… how about every player on the steel curtin, jerome bettis, heinz ward? i love troy but i’m not gonna sugar coat the fact he does a lot of running around and sometimes with no result.

Yeah I was just thinking the same thing.

yore right…man I guess that’s why he’s been to the probowl and everyone always talks about him doing great things…gee what was everyone thinking when they say Troy has heart and is an awesome Safety one of the best in the NFL is what I’ve heard…hmmm what was I thinking

(sarcasm is lost on teh interweb)

so my guess is you know them on a personal level to say others have more heart then him?

did i say he wasnt a good player or probowl worthy? i challenged ur OPINION with my OPINION.

my guess is you know him on a personal level to say he has more heart than others.

nope never said one way or another…just asking how it is you think others have more heart then him? how do they show it?

I’m guessing none of you know what the hell you are talking about.

:steelers: :steelers: :steelers: :beer:

true, but that doesn’t go for the receptionist, the nurse, the billing staff…

true, but that doesn’t go for the receptionist, the nurse, the billing staff…

granted it sounds like rumor to me…

I am starting to layer right now. They are calling for some freezing rain tonight. fun fun

And, of course, no one would ever break the law…

Everything bold and italic you say he’s not a good player…

everything underlined you contradict your other statements…

so pretty much you are challenging your own opinion with your other own opinion :confused:


All of those people know just as well as a doctor and can be fired and sued just the same. Trust me it’s a big deal I know first hand because I work in the field.

what… how is sayin he will quit because hes a strange guy say he not a good player?

here’s my opinion…

troy is strange for a football player
troy does seem like a sincere person
troy is a great football player
troy sometimes is all over the place doing a whole lot of nothing but people think he is because they see the flowing hair
troy has made comments about quiting football if he feels like it.
i believe troy plays football because he can… not becasue he wants to. but that doesnt mean he dont give 100% when he does play

jack lambert… he took every tackle to a personal level… it shows, slapping guys in the face etc…

from his hall of fame speech " if i had to live my live my life all over again i would play professional football and you’re Goddamn right i’d be a Pittsburgh Steeler" THATS WHY!

also he talked about losing to the raiders in 76… “give me a 6 pack and 30 minutes and lets go play them again” THATS HEART!

greg lloyd, kevin green… all those guys showed they have heart with their actions on and off the field… troy plays great but he’s not a leader. he just seems way out there sometimes, like he’d rather be planting trees with al gore somewhere. he talks and i can’t understand what the hell he’s tryin to say.