3800$ 2005 Impreza RS

A little newer and nicer than what I wouldve used as a field car


that thing is awesome. needs some of these on it though


oh dear god you came back… and you painted that thing just to destroy it again?.. :wtf

Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? :rofl

I’m seriously contemplating a ban.

First first post ban ever? I think so.

Oh wow when did you turbo it?


u want to ban him for using his car how it is suppose to be used?

Like a beater? :nono

and I know Tom from a while ago, he was on r-speed too, as well as our other local forum NMMR… not saying you didn’t know that, I know he had a couple of huge threads over on RSpeed :rofl

Bump for Tom!!! :umm

No, like how an Imprezza should have been used in the first place. Like what it’s designed to do

I give the fucker props. A subaru like that car right there is on my “extra funds in the future” to-do list

that is fuckin SICK

wow you’re crazy !

doing that to your car is one thing, trying to sell that POS for 4k is another.

I wish i had the balls to do that to the wrx but now that its in the shop for free i cant anymore :ponder