
arnt you? newmans

ha yeah right i smoked like 12 weed today alone.

now i m a douchbag. cause i dont smoke weed.
get real dude

weed is life, man. it’s fucking freedom. haven’t you ever seen the pale devil on the dance moonlight or something like that?

Drugs= gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


i think its just gay. im not a fairy that says i get hi on life. im just against weed/cigaretts .
not drinking. its just gay. you get hi. sit there… eat a bunch of shit. and get tired. real cool. not to mention 90% of the stoners are scumbags



i think its just gay. im not a fairy that says i get hi on life. im just against weed/cigaretts .
not drinking. its just gay. you get hi. sit there… eat a bunch of shit. and get tired. real cool. not to mention 90% of the stoners are scumbags


well at least you’re a drinker. we should go get drunk and drive around some time.

im 16 bro.
i only drink at partys.
drink and drive.-- thats some type of joke right.

only if he knew Newman and looked at his SIG


only if he knew Newman and looked at his SIG


lol. i dont even know him and i know he doesnt drink smoke or do drugs haha.

Fuck you newman.

I got hepatitis from sharing needles with you you fucking POS


im 16 bro.
i only drink at partys.
drink and drive.-- thats some type of joke right.


joke? come on! all you have to do is stay between the lines bro. it’s like coloring. if a baby can do it sober, i can do it wassstttteeeeddddddd


stoned baby now approves this thread

wth’s newmans sig have to do with this?


wth’s newmans sig have to do with this?


do you know what edge is?

First page sucked.

Page 2 and 3 have delivered.

Good deal.

like as in straight edge or what

like the stright line.----
then the edge as in straight edge??

i’ll deliver you some delicious weed brownies how about them apples?