4/8 BBQ (maybe) Party Definatly

Well, my roomate 97FormulaWS-6 is having yet another birthday to tack on to his ‘old’ age, and there will be a party going down here for it. Most of our friends wont be out untill like 9-10, but i have some people coming over for a bbq possibly earlier that day. If you guys are interested, maybe we can have a larger BBQ early, we have lots of parking and those that want to stay and drink can!

as for the party: BYOB, I had a keg at my party, but i dont feel rich enough this week to buy everyone beer :). We will have a fire going outside in the “other” yard, it is a large lot that we own next to the house. There is a Pool table (lots of short stick shots lol), and a pong table as well as I am sure some certain people will be playing the PS2 on the projector. So there is really a lot of shit that happens here for a party. Anyone interested?

weather pending ill be there

might be interested. i think its my friends bday though.

make sure there are girls there:headbang: Im down…reserve me a parking spot:biglaugh:

sounds coo. that house is []D[][]V[][]D

So much for me not spending any money on booze this week. :lol:

fuzzy, I will have a lot of bud light. you are more than welcom to some

As for the bbq, im not to sure if it is going to be warm or non wet… I will update in the am, but we are def. having a party around 10ish (my friends are always uber late like 11-1130, but i will be here drinking with the bday boy and some others)

Girls… bring your own :slight_smile: and more! The girls that i talked to are servers, and have to work/be up for work sun am :frowning: There will be a few here, however i am not sure if they are single or very attractive!

I want to go but I’m babysitting. Maybe I can swing by after :slight_smile:

it’s kinda cold, im not going to bbq, but for anyone who wants to chill later we WILL be having the party portion of the evening.


might have to stop by,if i can find a ride and $, lol

Babysitting? LOL… so is the girl I wanted to come tonight/tomorrow…

Yes, Beth’s parents adopted her sister’s baby, and they’re going to dinner before Beth gets out of work, so I’m watching him for an hour.

Which means I’ll be roped in to a whole night of it.

Thats cool of her parents. Well if you want to come out later the address is 560 cayuga creek 14227.

^ that goes for anyone else who hasn’t been here, or doesn’t know the addy

<-- Tpgsr

You shoulda made this a reefer party also and posted this link in that pot smokers thread.

Uhm… ask edited for content /etc about that topic and our x-mas party

bwahahaha …

proper smoking procedure:

1)purchase sticky
2)pack 8 people in a room almost to small to have a closet
5)smoke more
6)pause the smoking
7)open door to go take a piss
8)almost pass out when you open the door and step into hall due to finaly being able to inhale air that contains oxygen

^^ sounds like we are going to have to have a repeat of this.

Was there anything gay going on? If not then im out.

Huh? anything gay?

So your a catcher huh :wink:

<– Tpgsr

ok… I’m about a 1/3 of a 750ml of Bacardi O to the wind already…
