Gleason bought the '04 about 2 months ago or so.
looks great without the stickers! Sell the pink wheels to some hipster/faggot kid and just put some dope wheels on it.
I can’t keep up with all these swaps
got a ride in this at lunch, nice ride. :tup:
Though I did feel a little like this with the pink wheels:

I love how most of your thread titles are computer nerdy…
I’d like to make an arrangement to have a picnic in the engine bay. Now you own it soo… let me know what time works for you?
Looks great, any plans to ditch the front plate?
I was under this car just the other day, it’s pretty clean on the underside.
Just needed a nice detail and change of wheel color. Engine bay was clean too. :tup:
Nice car and fair warning its super easy to drop a hundred grand under the hood of one of these. :tup:
I have the wheels off of the car, and ready to get painted :tup:
God damn those wheels are gay.
So, you’d probably buy them and save him the hassle of painting them, correct? FGGT.
lol… well played
nice pick up, i have seen these get cheaper and cheaper, now that i got rid of my evo I’d love to have a fun summer car
You sold your Evo, didn’t you just get that? Everyone is dumping those lately!
Nail on the head :picard:
all cock and no balls, nice buy!
There was a reason for some of them being cheap. They have come down pretty good, but good look finding one locally for sale depending on price.
However, one is for sale on main st. at one of the dealers. Cant remember if its like a west herr or Northtown, but they have a nice black ap2 with a lip/ spoiler/ rims. Looks very very clean.
Little update. I just got back from North Bay, Canada for the weekend, and I came home to some good work!
First, I got my glove box organizer in from
Second, crxdx spent 6 hours sanding, aciding, and shining my wheels to get them back to stock! Now, they are no longer pink, but glass-blasted sides, and polished fronts!
Going to do an oil change this evening, followed by putting on the wheels, and I am getting in good shape :tup: