4x108 junker/ scrap / donut wheels

i need to get my foxbody off the slicks and skinnies for the winter, so im looking for something to keep it mobile.

mis matched, i dont care, something cheap.

ill buy one wheel 2 wheels ect.

snag some ford focus spare tires from the junkyard lol

bump, no foxbody guys have a donut kicking around or an old beat to shit wheel?


these must be the most valueable wheel in the entire world.
one of the fast fox guys here took the donut spare out.

beat to shit ten hole wheels? steelies?
i really dont feel like driving out to M+M and diggin in thier tire pile on hopes and dreams of finding the right wheels.

bump i need 2 of these still, and i need them now.

I saw a couple cheap sets of the 10hole wheels on CL…