No dice for this ellis juan. I’ll do the next one. I’d rather fix the beast so i can spray the christ out of it.


it’s all good sexy. I want that thing out for sure next time tho.

by then i should have all the little shit sorted out and actually have wax on the car. :slight_smile:

If i wear the hard top, is there any way i could get the picture taken with and without? or is that just being too whorish?

ok well thats good im definitely in then.
now i just need to give it its first real bath for the summer

wow griff way to be a whore

i do what i can :wink:

wish i could make it.

im out:bloated:

doing a test shoot tonite

Oh snap. test shoot went stellar. Get stoked fools.

gonna post some pix later tonite

these are just showing the location pretty much

tight shot (if i do a tight shot on ur car, im gonna use a different more sharper lens)

wide shot

sure shot

amazing spot. good call :tup:

so i just found out i have to work saturday
i am getting out anywhere between 5 and 6
if its too late for mighty is it cool if i meet at the photo spot?

can’t say I care for the HDR effect on the wide shot (the halo around the bike, un-natural edge to the building vs sky etc is a big turn-off in my book) but it does look “picturesque” to say the least.

yes that’s fine. If you don’t know where this is pm me.

Micah, that first bike shot looks amazing with that backdrop. I will be in for this, but I won’t be able to stay long. prob. got to be out by 7 at the latest. Where was that first bike shot taken?


same spot as the second pic. We should be able to finish everything before 7. Depending on how many people show up. I don’t see time being an issue really. Doesn’t take long to get a couple good snaps in per car. Just have to keep everyone moving in and out of the spot properly.

Cool Paulo.

But I still don’t know where those shots were taken.