Guaging Interest: NYSpeed Photoshoot!

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and finally decided to start seeing who would be interested in it.

first and foremost, the photographer will be none other than Micah Weber if this were to happen.

For now, a lot of details will be left out. Me and Micah both have some ideas floating around for locations and such. I’m trying to line up a warehouse that we may use for a portion of the day, but that may take some time before I get it all sorted out and doesn’t have the highest probability of coming through, but I’m really trying.

We wouldn’t stay in the same spot all day. We would start in the early afternoon or morning and cruise to different spots until finally making one or two night shoots at the end. Also we will probably incorporate a stop for some BBQ action.

For print costs refer to and click on the one that says “Prints Pricing Chart”. those are Micah’s normal prices but he says he can get a $5 discount to members that take part in this.

We will also have to ask a small up front fee to cover cost of food and of course I think we can all agree that Micah’s skill and time is worthy of payment.

If you want to come just to hang out and eat, we’ll have a separate price for that as well.

Suggestions: Important!!
if you have suggestions for locations, please let us know. We will consider anything but we are mostly trying to stick to industrial type sites.

when you make a suggestion, please do so in this format:
Name of place
address or general location
whether or not it is a public place.
picture of said location would help as well.

Before we make decisions on locations we will scout them out and pick the ones that Micah feels he can make work the best.

We don’t plan on having this happen until September for a couple reasons. Heat/humidity is one since it is hazy during this weather. We want a dry day for this. Also it seems like there are quite a few people still working on their cars, so this will give time to get out and rolling.

Thats it for now, hopefully we can get this rolling as I think it would a lot of fun.

some more info:

we will have to cap this off at about 20 or so cars. Since it will be hard to shoot so many cars at each location. Although I don’t think we’ll have to much trouble with how many people want to join in on this so hopefully we won’t have to deny anyone.

also, the prints will definitely have a $5 off discount as given by Micah for NYspeed members.

But if you don’t want prints, and only want the High Res digis, i’m sure it won’t be a problem. We can collect e-mails and such and Micah can decide how he wants the payment process to work with that. Maybe we will include High Res pics for everyone in the original cost since I’m sure most people will want them regardless of getting prints or not.

dont know if they would let us but the country club (the castle) on sheridan would be nice!

Hmmm… this sounds interesting…

i’d participate, but honestly, IDK if i’d pay for any prints. I might kick him a 5 for his time, but i’d want the pics in high res digital.

i’d pay for the digital original but not a print, how much would that cost?


i’d participate, but honestly, IDK if i’d pay for any prints. I might kick him a 5 for his time, but i’d want the pics in high res digital.


Yea, i know… Thats the problem im having… All i would want is straight digital’s, im not sure he would do that :confused: Or at least for cheap…

i would do high res pix, itd be up to you to edit it the way i do it though, sometimes the smallest tweaks i do make a huge difference…

the high res file is much more valuable then a print

ill figure somethin out so it works for everyone

I like his work…some talent in those pics on the website!

I’m interested.

some more info:

we will have to cap this off at about 20 or so cars. Since it will be hard to shoot so many cars at each location. Although I don’t think we’ll have to much trouble with how many people want to join in on this so hopefully we won’t have to deny anyone.

also, the prints will definitely have a $5 off discount as given by Micah for NYspeed members.

But if you don’t want prints, and only want the High Res digis, i’m sure it won’t be a problem. We can collect e-mails and such and Micah can decide how he wants the payment process to work with that. Maybe we will include High Res pics for everyone in the original cost since I’m sure most people will want them regardless of getting prints or not.

i’ll edit this into the original post as well…

Poll added.

in if skunk poses on my car…

voted… most likely…

i think a shoot with the same type of cars would be cool


i think a shoot with the same type of cars would be cool


were not trying to get everyones car in the same shot, this will be for each person to have good shots of just their car, in a good spot, with a good camera, and a good photographer.

yeah i know but getting a shot of the same type of cars on the board would be cool

i’m definitely in

id be down to get some good shots of my hog

at this rate, there should be enough interest to make it happen. We’ll start getting some spots lined up, but please, if anyone know of any good spots, speak up so we can have a wide range of places to choose from.

industrial sites meaning?? if you mean like those warehouse shots then most likely anywhere down in s.buffalo or downtown…my brother knows a shit load of places to take some pretty sick ass pictures, hes a photo major so ill ask him and get back to you…i’d def be in

yeah, warehouses, construction sites, plant facilities and shit like that.

I know of a couple places downtown and whatnot, but I want to make a decent size list before I start throwing things out there.