HEY GUYS…I wasnt sure who did it last time but I was wondering if anyone planned on getting some last photos in b4 we put our cars away. Highway shots and also some pics near trees changing color? Any down to do this b4 the weather gets worse?
I need some more pics of the S2000 moving down the HWY.
soon is good but it would have to be on the weekend and i have a d-slr. and 2 lenses which will work out great. i need more shots of things other then fires and still car shots. call me at 472 7751. lets say this weekend before the leaves are gone.
i just saw the weather for this weekend…looks good! lets plan on Sunday mayb? i kno some people (including meself) will be pre-occupied with the WNYFBody BBQ on saturday.
well if sunday is cool with the majority of the people, how about we say meet at Mighty at 1:00 (or another time if people wish) and we’ll figure out some spots and go from there?