Looking for TWO people with vehicles. They dont have to both be “show cars” but I’m not comfortable letting anyone else drive my POS. Just looking to get some cruising shots…havn’t had much exp. with it yet, but the few I have taken have come out awesome. You & a friend? you & another NYSpeed member? we can obviously do stationairy shots as well!
EDIT: Date, Time & Location are now set!
When : Sunday, July 31st
Time: 2PM
Where: Exit 47 off 90, Leroy/490 …Pay your tolls, continue twords 490 where you will see exit 1 almost immedietly. Get off, and take a left. Theres a large Park & Ride lot where we can all meet up.
Is there a time thats better for people? It will have to be a weekend, next weekend? Sunday? My weekends are open for the most part. Location is another one…we could cruise 90 for a bit, but don’t forget there are tolls! …and state troopers…I’m sure a few of us might draw a bit of attention. If anyone has any other places that might be good for this sort of thing, please chime in!
If its that Suby, PLEASE PLEASE bring it! It’ll be my frist WRX, which I’ve been dying to shoot one! So we will plan on Sunday then, since thats the day I was hoping for, and it seems to be best for the majority of people here.
SUNDAY, July 31st… 2PM, right off Exit 47 (Leroy/490) You will pay your toll, and continue twords the 490…take the FIRST exit, which is the Leroy exit…make a left turn at the stop sign and theres a HUGE Park & Ride lot where we can all meet up. The 490 has ALOT less traffic, smaller police presence, and exits 1-5 are a good 10 miles of county looking strip. we could go up & down however many times we needed. Lets get a list started…Sunday, 2PM, exit 47…whos down?
IF anyone is interested in getting some shots of their car arfterwords, I know a few pretty good spots in the city. shoot me a PM and we’ll work something out.
Also, I have today off…so if anyones around today, lmk