Anyone here into trading stocks?

I’ll hit you up with a book I’m reading now that explains the market and why one may want to buy stocks. It’s well written and simple. Will post title later.

Resurrecting this thread since tech stocks are in the DUMP.

AONE (A123 systems) raped me hardcore… I bought at above $10 and it’s at like below $7 now… Got out of that $hit as I don’t expect it to go up based on the competition and the way they are operating… So that risky move didn’t pay off. So much for listening to analysts and advice in Money magazine.

Hell, I’m doing my own research for long term based on some rules as advised in the book I’m reading…

Seems like a good time to buy some HPQ (Hewlett Packard) with price way below the old 52 week low of 41.xx. What with the lawsuit against the CEO and Intel stock price bringing confidence levels down in tech, thing seem low for HP and also across the board.

AAPL (Apple) is at like 238 a share which seems a bargain too.