All you market investors out there. Let's play a game. UPDATED 4/23/11

Called Virtual Stock Exchange.


New game is on!

Name, group and pass are all: Shift518x2

You got $5k to invest this time round

It’s ON!!!


For those of you who know what you’re doing this should be easy and you can just mimic your portfolio, for those who don’t you can ask the experts for advice and learn a thing or two. Plus there is no golden ticket in stocks so who knows you might do better then the veterans.

Just remember, the higher the risk the bigger the payout if successful.

Game ID: Shift518

Game Name: Shift518

Password: shift stocks

You all get 3000$ to start with, the minimal amount considered to be “serious” in stocks.

At the end we can all see how each one is doing, have a fun competition and learn a thing or two :thumb

I’m always terrible at this because not my real money = I take crazy risks. One of these times I’m going to dominate.

Vlad - We need to start with a million each. Ballin.

Nobody wants to join up?


Just bought some “POT”

lol i would but i dont have the time LOL yet i have enough time to post whore :wtf

Got bored so I joined… should be a good time

You don’t have to have the time in stocks, which is what’s so great, as long as you adjust your strategy to the time invested.

You can just invest all of it into minimal risk mutual funds, with a small return. Sure you won’t make as much on daily but in the long rung, with the market fluctuating and most of us investing in higher risk stocks, you could be better off the long run without doing much at all.

Count me in after this weekend when I have time to kill.

pwning you stock market noobs… exactly as expected

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Decided to check up on this

LKSi is by-winning :lol

1 LKSi $48,453.07 +1,515.10%
2 vovchandr $1,690.90 -43.64%
3 Code Blue $1,686.85 -43.77%

If only I had real money to invest :frowning:

I didn’t do all that terrible for not looking into it for 3 years only a 50% loss.

Why would anybody ever play scratch offs/lottery is beyond me, this is by far a superior way of “gambling”.

What the hell did you buy anyway to get up there? $50K without looking into it when you started with 3K after 3 years? Not too shabby.

Hewlett Packard. Read into it about 5 minutes before starting. I read that they were about to blow up… $2400 into HP turned into $50k. sadface

I think your avatar describes how I’m feeling looking at those numbers :lol

If someone put $20K into that stock they could retire early :frowning:

It’s really depressing. Perhaps I should start trading.

What did you invest in vlad?

In stocks you only need to be right 6 times out of 10 to make out well, which really isn’t bad odds. I’m still amazed that I didn’t lose my shoes on not bothering to check the stocks for 3 years.

I invested in a fertilizer company and AIG :rofl

This is what AIG looked like for obvious reasons

Click “3y” aka going back 3 years.

It looks like a profile of a side of a mountain on the left and the valley on the right :lmao

Looking back at it, it’s probably one of the worst possible investments I could have made at the time.