Investment Simulator Challenge! 10/07 - Yr end

Since so many people are coming out into the open about their financial wisdom, why not make a time waster of it?

Those of you who aren’t active or bankrolled well enough to have a real “risk” portfolio, as well as those who just have more freetime then they know what to with… and those who are in for a little group fun.


YOU CAN ENROLL AT ANY TIME, then try to catch up & pass.

Game Manager nikuk
Access Private
Accounts margin+short
Starting capital $500,000.00
Currency(ies) USD
Starting date 10/3/2008
End date 1/1/2009
Allow late entry Yes
Market Order Delay 1 Minute
Long Margin Rate 50%
Quick Sell 1 Minute
Allow Options No
Allow Options Written No
Allow Trade History Viewing Yes
Allow Portfolio Viewing Yes
Show Margin Rate 150%
Daily Volume 10%
Option Daily Volume Disabled
Diversification 50%
Diversification Option Disabled
Min price of equity to long $0.10
Min price of equity to short $5.00
Margin Interest 8%
Commission - Market $19.99
Commission - Limit $29.95
Commission - Option Disabled
Commission - per Contract Disabled
Cash Interest 5%
Min equity price to be margin-able $5.00

Search for “NYSpeed”
Join, Game password: junkpics

** up to 22 players ** 10/6/08

Yee with the largest $ amount 1/1/09 win’s:

an e-cookie.
Custom Title Control
Nudes of Fry
bragging rights

In to be the underdog :slight_smile:

I believe you fall into that catagory of “nothing better to do” :stuck_out_tongue:

i play on you make money on the site for being active, trading, reviewing, and beating the S&P500

Why lose fake money when you can lose real money?

I may sign up.

haha agreed. i don’t take stock advice from someone who has never invested before.

its kind of like the poor people walking around the casino that never have money to play that always seem to know what number is coming on the craps table or roulette wheel and say “I knew it was coming” after.

In to be flat broke.

I’ve never invested eh? News to me…?

In. Just bought as much of all the random stocks I could find. I’m going to win the nudes of Fry. :awdrifter:

(I’m already down $20k.)

Total: $443,970.00 -6.47 % -$30,720.00


So Fry was already taken. You’ll never guess who I am… :snky:

^ I don’t think rankings list updates (showing allplaer names) until close of 1st day of game.

Shorted Stock Portfolio


:2fingers: You’re obviously cheating by using your brain while playing the game.

I just maxed out my margin and I’m going to sit back and wait for the custom title. :pimp:

I need more fatties to eat fast food!

keep in mind that this is a 3 month gig.

and, I’ve decided that since mods already have CT usage… if a mod wins the REST of the game players will be able to make recommendations for the mod’s user title, then vote on it, and have it displayed for a month.


up 3k lol

Warning: This game does not buy at real time value, it has a 15 min delay. I tried to buy something because I knew the real time price was $.30 less, but it bought it at delayed price, so now I am going to be down $.30 per share in 15min

HA, you read my mind, I was looking into a stock market game. I came in 2nd place for Buffalo schools in 10th grade lol.

It’s set to: Market Order Delay 1 Minute

Where did you see that message?