
So im looking to invest in some stocks, never in my life have I done this before. Im looking just to do my buying/selling on one of these trading sites ex: E*Trade, Ameritrade etc. What im wondering is the price of things, Ameritrade says its a flat fee of 9.99, now is it every time I buy a stock I pay 9.99? Every share I purchase? Or is it like a monthly fee? Im new to this so bare with me.

I think that is per trade. There may be a limit to how many share you can buy for that rate though (like a graduated scale of some sort for the fees). I know that one company does $7 trades, but I am not sure which one.

Starboy… to get into day trading you have to not only invest cashflow but tons of time… I devoted about 2 hours a day for some time to it, took a week off work and let them ride and lost almost 50% of what i made over the course of a few months (39%). I found that successful daytraders have a lot of insight/contacts in the industry and are aggressive and devote tons of time. I would suggest checking out Charles Schwab… they have overseen accounts for new time investors… and once you’re a member they have a lot of online type of ‘classes’ and insider type articles that really help. if you’re looking to trade long term investment and to start building a portfolio grab a few magazines and read up… Forbes has plenty of publications for a variety of subjective investments… Fortune, Kiplingers

Im really tying to figure out the market and “i think” I have some good buys in mind, been looking at along of sales charts for companies over there years. I mean I have really no clue what im doing so I will indeed look into this, truthfully I dunno even know what the term portfolio entails when mentioned with stocks.

i use ameritrade everyday(day trade) its 9.99 to buy, and 9.99 to sell… your first 30 are free… With ameritrade there are no max’s on the share price or amount unlike etrade or other places…

day trading you have to know when to buy and sell… market is down due to the obvious… research and try it out…

case and point… last year i bought oil stocks on the dip and watched the rise towards oct-nov-and dec. cap gain of 75k… right now a few ethenol companies are dipping and rising due to our so great of a leade “OBAMA”… 3 days dipped to 1.10, 1.02 and 1.11 a share,

75000/1.05=71428.5 shares… sold at 1.30 =17857.13 gain (this morning at 9:15am)… now this doesnt happen all the time but thats what watching the news and keeping up on the market reports of your researched companies does!!!

so i really cant complain today was a good day!


well I been watching the market the past fews days and out of no where “Whole Foods” goes up 3 bucks today? Searching the internet I found nothing…

yahoo, finance, and look up your stock symbol… search the company news, etc, plus all the stats are there… when you get an account (ameritrade etc) they will have some more tools that help…

stay away of the message boards… a lot of stock pumpers and bashers… do not buy a stock based on those message boards… tip of the day lol

it’s dangerous to trend long term if you’re buying short… again, it was too much for me to deal with daily… maybe when i retire early independently wealthy, i’ll throw some time into day trading… keeping ontop of the economy / politics / free market is the goal of day trading. Long term trending and forecasting is more for long term investing, which after a while, i realized was what i was really interested in.

Monte is pretty much on with day trading… i know someone that is an extremely successful daytrader… he comes to work and logs into ameritrade immediately until he leaves… it’s time consuming.

How much are you looking to invest? What kind of returns are you looking for? I have some money floating around in various places, but I’m by no means a day trader. If you’re looking for entry-level, low-risk stuff, look into mutual funds.

lol, tell me about…

honestly, I wouldn’t bother jumping in right now. The market is sooooo volatile I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. You can make a quick buck here or there but I would absolutely not under any circumstances throw everything you have in the pot. You have to have a limit to play with and stay with it.

I’ve been pulling money out of my declining long term investments and buying “safer” companies and have a much smaller high risk portfolio to play with. This allows me to take some risks but if I lose, which you WILL at one point or another, its not breaking me.

Monte and FS have the right idea. Another good publication is Investors Business Daily. Lots of good training/learning info. If you ever get a good feel for a particular stock or group of stocks and understand how they react to the market or geopolitical news you might want to consider buying(not selling) options. You can control much more stock for a fraction of the cost. The reward is potentially higher but so is the risk(which is limited to your investment) BTW options are a great tool in a volatile market like this!

Yeah I wouldn’t go playing around with individual stocks right now because a) you’re new and don’t know much about it as you claim and b) like cheeks said it’s very volatile, you’d be better off just throwing some money away on a craps table.

I would probably recommend some more stable investments such as a mutual fund where your money is getting spread out to multiple places. The return isn’t as high, but neither is the risk of loss. Another idea would be to look into utilities and such, again safe investement with not a lot of risk.

Just my $.02… I am definitely not very keen on this stuff, but I’ve been trying to do my research and eventually get into some stocks.

sink all your money into SWSI. It’s a company that the company I work for took public for the hell of it. They demolished their 52 week low yesterday because the US drilling rig count is down like 50% right now due to the price of natty gas. However, after a few months of the rig count being in the shitter, supply is going to nosedive, the price will shoot back up, and all of the rigs will start moving again.

SWSI - Superior Well Services, Inc. provides downhole well services. They have a stranglehold on this new Marcellus shale play here in Western PA and are going to make a fucking killing once the market straightens itself out. Great stock for bargain basement prices right now, plus it pays good dividends.

Currency Trading is going really well, I bought a bunch of AUD a couple years back when they were

1USD = 1.32 AUD

now its 1 USD = 1.68 AUD.

as for stocks, I’m not sure, the market is all ove rthe place.

I would throw my money into a CD

By chance do you have your numbers backward or is losing around 21.5% of your investment a good thing?


If he invested $100 he would have had $132 AUD…

Now with the same $100 he would have $168 AUD.

More Aussie cash for your dollar!

By his numbers you would get more Aussie cash for you dollar now, meaning the Aussie cash he got back then and presumably still held until now is worth less in dollars than when he bought it, about 21.5% less.


honestly, i would only take your time to read… hell, trade penny stocks or something… real money in real stocks right now is a total crap shoot… i’ve pulled into mutuals and have seeked company bases outside of US soil… but even now the pain and market flux is international… just a bad time to experiment because it’s not as predictable as before.