That sunday works for me as well. LMK if you do change it to the 18th,- you could then stick me back in my spot.

11th is good. if the weather doesnt suck

count me in for either day.

If someone can’t make it for Saturday may 10th, then realize that this is only the first time we are doing this, and essentially the test run. Next time, I’m hoping more spots, cruises in between, and a BBQ. Also, I would shoot one of the spots and edit photos to alleviate some work from Micah.

I am still in.

So far today it sounds like it WAS the 10th and now potentially it may be the 11th unless Mother’s Day is a bad day so it will be the 18th?

I am sure no matter which day it is you will get a good sized group. Maybe just settle on a day depending on the weather. If the tenth is looking good weather wise in the morning post up the spot and have people meet you on the tenth.

If it is crappy wait til the 11th and do the same. If the 11th fails then shoot for the 18th. Just a thought…

What really needs to be done as far as prep? I am guessing Micah is all set as far as needing photo-gear or what not. He just needs a nice day, good location, and some sick rides. I am sure a days notice would be plenty of time to get a good sized group together.

yea its basically the day and locale, im just using the same camera i always do, i dont need anything SPECIAL

^ true. Handling the equip is the easy part. Location is mostly set. Weather is the only factor. But, this will stay the 10th unless the weather takes a serious turn. but even if it rains, we can still do it, so long as it isn’t raining during the shoot.

Sounds good. If it looks promising I say go for it. Plus, like you said there will be other times too.

I’m stoked. (Yeah, I know it is just a shoot but I have been out of NYSpeed action for a while)

i really hope its cloudy

I just hope it doesn’t rain cuz I’ll be on the bike :tup:

Still going down if it rains? looks like it will in the forecast so far

Personally I think it will be better if it rains. Just rules out the bikes unfortunately.

But weather.com is saying mostly cloudy on sat.

BTW we will most likely meet up somewhere that is common ground for everyone before heading out. I’m going to suggest Mighty, but if that’s way out of the way for some people, they can just meet us downtown where the shoot will be.

cant put tops down in the rain … guess i’ll have to have the hard top close by :slight_smile:

How about another date for the people that can’t make this date.

I am interested.

call for partly cloudy and 65 for saturday :headbang:

nice nice!
Too bad its planing to rain on friday … looks like saturday morning will be car detailing time :slight_smile:

ok we are meeting at mighty at 530pm. I’ll throw up the date in the OP.

You will make the initial $5 payment there.

YES !!! ASSLESS CHAPS HERE I COME!!! i am going to bring my blue wheels and throw them on wherever the shoot is because they just arne’t very safe with the tires that are on there.

haha. How bad are the tires? drive 20 miles on them?

What time is the shoot?

I got a Grad party at 6.