5/17 Shread n Regan Cruise Night


but i didn’t expect anything less

the rain scared off all the really ugly cars

i wonder if nyspeed can reserve there own row with there own security witht here own sign, not fnf


Rain scared away most people. Still a ton of people showed up.
100 pics are up

already talked this over briefly with a mod, and talked to the guy that handles organizing these events for the edge…they wouldn’t mind giving us our own little section, as long as there was NO ADVERTISING taking place for any of the nyspeed sponsors…but, it was concluded that the asshats that tend to attend these events are exactly the people we are trying to keep off of nyspeed, and by throwing our name out there right in the middle of an asshat festival, we would gain a lot of unwanted drama…

so we advertise as ubrf.org and say were from ubrf but rly nyspeeders, so the ricers flock to ubrf

saw all of you on the way back, went in the mall tho, they are actually fixing that place up! And the security guy tried stopping me as i drove in the enterance "you got a system? (driving my dads 96 minivan)
me: hell ya i do
slim shady:ok kool
as i drive by the 17 cars still there because its raining(including the mustang 5.0 with the top still down)

:rofl: :word:

If you throw a box in the back of a minivan your van is considered custom by that retard.

someone should have ran him over

didja hafta get the driver side of my camaro where the spoiler piece is missing??? lol i backed into a pole a few weeks ago and i havent found a replacement yet.