5/25/06 TITS

I don’t know who’s playing…not that it matters

Its not like anyone goes there for the music

I usually hang out by the street b/w the square and the pissers

Should be nice and sunny out,

this is a possibility…:slight_smile:

tommorow night also, bikes, blues and bbq

buffalo buckin saloon then crok.

isn’t it buckin buffalo saloon?

either way, I like it there, my line dancing skills are a little lame though

Ohhhh shit. I missed tits ALL of last year, i am gonna try my best to get to alot of tits this year :slight_smile: I will prob be there hanging around the beer tents :snky:

i have class till 9 but ill be DT with the woman around 10.

dont worry sweetheart…ill teach you :slight_smile:

they need to have square dancing. hint hint. i can imagine drunken square dancing competition would be big hit!

Ive tried drunken line dancing. It wasnt pretty. lol.

yea… i am deff going with a bunch of people…

pre-gaming at my place…then heading down.

friday morning is not gonna be good :frowning:

I’ll be there probably :tup:

My office is on the 2nd floor of the Brisbane building. I just look out the window ant I am about 100 ft. from the stage. I’ll be there for a bit.

anybody good playing? i heard the violent femmes will be there sometime this year…

I hope it doesn’t rain

They are calling for rain after 9pm. But who knows. Anyway, im down to go, where is everyone meeting for zee pre gaming?

TITS schedule

Bump…anyone going to Smashmouth before the sabres game?

i was wondering about tonight…

i wonder how dead it’s gonna be LOL.

smashmouth —> game on chippewa FTW

SABRES GAME > TITS…wait a second…