SQUARE tonight?

anyone going?


what time are you going down?

ill be down there… g/f broke up with me, so i need to get out… :frowning:

fuckin india arie is playing, im def getting fucked up if i dont take the bike…

i cant stand her, shes almost as bad as macy gray with that voice, ughhhh… any girls wanna ride up on the bike :wink:

i have to go to a dinner with friends, but maybe afterwards…

when are you going to be down there andrea? jon? willy?

i have to wait for my friends to call, most likely 7ish when they get done with work

mommy and daddy is dropping me off. i will end up at buckin then darcy mcgees

IM me for my digits… text me when you show up

Im heading down there @ 6

we will be there on the bikes

shitty group playing tho, but fuck it, who goes to listen anyways.

i feel like doing some wheelies, so ill prolly take the 33 downtown later on the bike

:bsflag: you always say you are going to show up to things and then you don’t…weak sauce!!

just got dressed. i just pooped in my pants in anticipation.

when do people normally show up…?

im in. try to find meeeeeeeeeeee!!!

so i look for the blond in the mini skirt?

i dont know what half of you guys look like…

i’ll be there



all the way to the right… thats me!!

if you see an important person on a palm treo 650. that’s him.