SQ1 Cruise to BINGS / SON240SX Meet

I can’t coordinate this obviously but someone needs to take the lead…

A safe and law abiding cruise from SQ1 to Niagara is half the fun for the GTA guys and is a marker-point for everyone coming from further east…

Peter is gone this year so someone else needs to step it up and make sure this happens properly.

Peter is a big homo.

If I knew the route. Maybe I would attempt it. Maybe Keezy (Chris?) Mike, Farmer, Chad, Nick? There is a lot of us around here. Someone will step up.

What time would the Sq 1 meet be at depending on the time i can arrange it…

last year i believe we all met at 9 ish

ok so u guys let say meet at 9 what time would u be leaving? just asking cuz my manager at work will only let me off at 9 and i live over by yorkdale aswell as i have 2 buddies commin with me:/:

lets start a list… ARRIVE at 10:30 - 11:30. LEAVE 11:30 from SQ1 (we should be there for 1 if we leave at 11:30)

MarkD1- mark- sr sil40

MarkD1- mark- sr sil40
white2abbit - Ryan - Kouki

  1. MarkD1 - mark - sr sil40
  2. white2abbit - Ryan - Kouki
  3. speeddevil69 - Brian - sil40

where at SQ1

Ok well thats a bit too early for me so i guess ill meet you guys on the 403 at 12 lol…

gonna guess near playdium or a coffee shop lol cuz i know i’ll need a nice coffee lol:cool:

Panera Bread has some good stuff to eat/drink and its at the NORTH corner of the mall property. it dosent show on the map because it was not built, but it is there trust me.

55 Square One Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 0E2


Bing, is this not going to be reschedualed like you had mentioned might happened?

If not than I’d be glad to organize it and lead the way, as Peter, myself, and Chris were head of the pack last year.

Arriving at 1 is a little late though boys.

We’ll mirror last years scheduale and meet at the Square 1 parking lot across from the walmart at 9:00am, and be leaving at 10:30 sharp.

No foolishness in the lot, the roads or anywhere other than your driveway. There is a police station 60 seconds away from this parking lot so be on your best behaviours, especially since we all know security can be dicks as well.

If this goes down this Sunday…well even if it don’t. Mike has very good points for when it does happen.


first off thanks Markd1 i’ll be lookin for it to get some road snacks :slight_smile:

second thanks for volintering to lead they way if this goes down:cool:

as for the 1pm arrival i got blasted for some reason by hector for saying other ppl said 1pm to be around to him it was useless info amoung other rude words but other then that we have to wait till bing says the time to plan anything i guess

as for place to meet accross from the walmart is fine and i hope to be there by 10:30 if all goes well that day at work:/:

see u guys there!

I think last time we got there too early imo… i was thinking 12 would be a good time to leave from there…

lets make up r minds ppl. 11 12 or 1


Meet at 11 leave by 12, we need to give the people further east time to get to square 1. Not to menchion will people really get up at 9. I mean really?.. 9?

may come depending on if i can fix my strut tower
kollo-John-93 black COUPE

if we meet at 11 then im down for that , we need to be sure though
