5/25: 1 Last bubble tea meet...

Well they posted their final day of operation, and it’s this Saturday…i’m not sure if that means they’re closing sometime during the day Saturday or what, so i’m playing it safe and calling this meet for Friday…

It’s supposed to be really nice out…way nicer than it was for my Taffy’s meet…

It was sad when Dennis left and Bubble Tea shut down…and when Bao opened up with the same atmosphere and similar product, hope was restored…but now they’re packing up and leaving too, and i doubt another person will take over the same lot with the same product again…

Time for one last hoorah i guess…lets try to make this a bubble tea meet to remember, like the 'ol days…lets fill that lot up one last time

i’ll probably be getting there around 8 or 9…they’re opened til 11PM i think…


what time

i love bubble tea :frowning:


maybe after my game ill head up

WHAT??? when did this become final???nooo i love it there ive been going for years and nothing compares big big :tdown:

This became final over 6 months ago…

Oh wow, I wasn’t even aware of this. That really sucks. :frowning:

Aww shit are you serious?? I want my bubble tea!!!

You fucking kidding me? Bao is deceasing?



they are closing saturday at midnight. i’ll be up there sometime saturday night for one last tea. man i will miss it :frowning:

goddammit. I have to make it to this. Luckily I’ll be in town.

I’m gonna miss that shit, some fond memories there :frowning:

DEF. going to be there in the GP. I’m gonna miss that place as well. I’ve been hook on bao’s and bubble tea for a few years now. FUCK this sucks…but, I’ll be there.


oh… we are so in!

Shit I think I am working that night. :frowning:

i wish they still had baos. hope they got some good flavors left. ill show for a little bit

Man, I used to take all my “1st date” chicks there. Any single girls wanna go up there just so I can have a 1st date there one more time???:poke: :hitit:

Just kidding

Ill be your date :gotme:… i kiss on first date


Man, I used to take all my “1st date” chicks there. Any single girls wanna go up there just so I can have a 1st date there one more time???:poke: :hitit:

Just kidding


bring some other hot single friends along with u