5/28 @ 8pm Taffy's Sunday Meet

only a few us stayed super late… and drunk bitches coming to tim hortons in the best… ROFL flying sandals and all HAHAHAH

was fun now iam home. i forgot the milk to

just got home bitches

ya getting home after 3…wtf were we even doing standing there lmao

One word: rediculous. :tup:

now I go to work…grr

Super Late… I just got home

pssst you guys missed some fun … I just got home … i win

I left early to go have a congratulatory drink with a friend who just had a baby.
At midnight I was heading home wondering if anyone was still at Taffy’s.:biglaugh:
I can’t believe you guys were there that late.:eek:

I met some more nice people.
Beckington is actually a really good guy in person.:biglaugh:

after the sabres lost, i just wanted to go home and beat my girlfriend. :frowning:

yep, it was a late one


I’ll get pics up in a few - trying to do some vids now.



:tup: to you too mikkkkeeeeee!

RX3 didn’t hate me in person either :wink:

it was really nice meeting you.

it was alright/meh to meet RX3.

i got there late because of the game and then didnt see any faces i knew :frowning: boo

i wanted to race-chuuu!!!^^


good stuff. kind of a small parking lot…

Pics are up:


Thanks again to whoever brought this:


We had our cars and Hockey too :tup:


Your Welcome:D