5/28 @ 8pm Taffy's Sunday Meet

yea…i prob won’t be there till around 10 or so…or at least when the hockey game is over. So hopefully everyone will still be there

im game

Idk about 13’s… but we can roll :wink:

i knew the car was quick when i was in it…but when ur next to it…wtf, its fast

so who, that’s going, runs 17’s? :smiley:


Can I bring the Conquest on a flatbed? It’s sort of “broken” right now.

i wont be up till 9 food and shower r going to hit the spot

i fell asleep on the couch for like 3 hours, just woke up and feel like total shit. im out on this one.

I’ll be there @ 8:30 with da rula.

where is Taffys?

orchard park

here at taffy’s watching the game in the back of a pickup… those who didn’t want to miss the game are missing out.

lol…well had i known…i would have came

Now my tummy hurts due to Taffy’s.

They should make a Malox-Mango variety shake. All the Taffy’s you can eat without the sickening side effects.

just got back, good turnout! good to finally make an appearance with the fd, still has tuning to go but its getting there :slight_smile:

Got pulled over AGAIN for inspection on the way. Suppose I’ll wait for that sticker this week to try to come out to Buffalo again.

Your car looked ever saucy. :slight_smile:

Good meet, the TV was :pimp:

definately a good meet, the tv was awesome too, lol. we also had a nice cruise to starbucks and mighty after we left taffy’s :slight_smile: