5/30/07 - Bowery Boys Roller Hockey Beer Blast

Location: Brennan’s Bowery Bar
Time: 7-11PM
Price: $10 at the door
Reason: help our 3 hockey teams get some money back from an expensive season, and to pay for some portion of our baller jerseys

10 at the door, we’ll have beer (obviously), pizza, wings, possibly some poker, a 50/50 raffle, some chinese auction goodies, and also quite possibly guitar hero in a corner for people to rock out to. The bar will be open for the pansies who don’t drink beer, but thats not included for 10 bones.

Come one, come all, bring friends, over 21 please :slight_smile:

LOL @ guitar hero HAHAHAHAHAH


anyways… yea…ill be thurrrrr

I will be there…I will try to bring some people…

I will be there as well…

you cheap fucks, pay for your own damn hockey entertainment!!! haha.

not a bad deal tho for beer + food… maybe…

I’ll stop by i suppose :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll stop by i suppose :stuck_out_tongue:


no danielle’s allowed :stuck_out_tongue:

Im gonna need to get dropped off at this…

uhhhh jokes been used…not funu

ive been waiting for this for awhile


you cheap fucks, pay for your own damn hockey entertainment!!! haha.



obviously i will be there, i have to work till 8pm, but i will come over on my way out of work





you’re right, getting sponsored is a stupid idea, who would ever want to do that…

bump for beer tomorrow night

bump for tonight

I’m kinda pumped for this tonight, I could really use it after the week I am having already…

Ugh this is gonna be bad

^^ every night for you is always bad.


^^ every night for you is always bad.


nah he’s a pussy when it comes to drinking. he always bitches out early.

Im trying to get a ride there so I can actually drink…