5 Reasons The Future Will Be Ruled By B.S.

Please dont take this the wrong way… just using your quote for my thoughts.

I see this a lot too. I know plenty of people that spend ZR1 money on school, to get one, two, twenty degrees… yet don’t use them to their advantage in those fancy pieces of paper’s respective fields.

Your supply chain management knowledge was taught to you by someone hopefully in the field… why are they teaching you? How many “teachers” are teaching because they no longer work in the field? I came across ONE teacher in my lifetime that taught because they wanted to teach what they know because they succeeded in making a lifetimes money off it, and don’t need to work in their field, or work at all for that matter. MANY teachers, have lost their jobs, been outsourced, replaced, or for whatever reason and cling to their “skills and knowledge” by taking a teaching position and passing along information. Sad but true. Furthermore, how many of them stand there and talk/teach instead of using technology, the same technology that took their first job in the first place! Not many again. Software and simple inputs from a person can and will take jobs from your “supply chain management” job market.

NO skills are irreplaceable. NONE. Some may at this time be less feasible sure. To simply kill your plumber theory. Chemicals in sewer water can be added to break up the clogs. Your shit gets stuck in there… just wait 10 minutes and my super cool chemicals will attack that turd and break it down, next flush and it’s gone. Call off the plumber. Or my new KrazyKid tolet’s I sell have a built in flogger! Press a button and walk away. Version one dispenses the turd break up chemical and version 2 for an extra $19.95 has a hydraulic snake inside that forces the turd through your pipes. And don’t even get me on well someone needs to install the thing… nope it came with the modular machine made house you live in and is made of “manmade” titanium version 2.3 and never breaks.

All the while people get dumber to compound on the downward spiral. We rely less and less on things as everything around us does more and more for us, faster, cheaper and easier. Work ethic decreases, morality decreases, and the drive to give a shit and go the extra mile decreases.

One reason I might not want to have kids… because their kids, kids, kids might have a really shitty life!