5 Stages of Death....

…ok this is not srs, but I just saw this on Robot Chicken on Adult Swim and remembered how much this video cracks me the fuck up…Stage 2 = :rofl

“Ahh Im gonna bite someone in the face! MOTHER FUCKER” :rofl

Robot Chicken never ceases to amaze

sickkkk i cant die from quicksand

thank god for that lanky neck and overall height huh kramer

yup they’re realllll lifesavers.

Oh, Robot Chicken. :hug

  • rep for Joey.

Robot Chicken is one of the most innovative shows of recent times on many levels.

I’m very impressed with the work of Seth Green and his staff.

bwahahaha everyone has there own slurpy machines …what? I think I hit the bottom.:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

ahhahh seth green does that ? sick

that was hilarious man, fuckin great, true too !

I luvz Robot Chicken… I have all 3 seasons on DVD (soon 4th) and both StarWars episodes. Def my favorite show ever!

I wont lie I have all the seasons of smallville and supernatural

Love that show. my favorite skit is the ode to the nut shot from season one.

still waiting for the new episode of robot chicken star wars

Episode II? Thats already out. Its AwEsOmE!!!

hahaha! Robot chicken is one of the funniest shows out there!

no not episode II, I am waiting for the next one…

Yeah def! I want season 4 to be out on DVD now, I missed a few of the first ones.

agreed, good taste my man