Star Wars: Robot Chicken

anyone catch this on adult swim last night? 1st ever 1/2 hour episode of robot chicken to kick off the new season all about star wars

i think its the funniest shit ive ever seen. i was dying laughing at 2am watching it…i advise all to check tv listings to see it any and every time it shows this week. ton of guest voices…mark hamill, george lucas, seth mcfarlane, even fucking HULK HOGAN :rofl:


“What the hell is an aluminum falcon?”

hahaha I like the worms ordering Chinese food!!!

lmao, i caught this last night too! i love robot chicken!

I knew I forgot to record something :frowning:

JUST GET YOUR 7 FOOT 2 ASMATHIC ASS BACK HERE!!! oh geez he’s crying!

Oldie but goodie. So basically di they just throw all their random starwars themed skits together into one show? If so, then I didn’t really miss anything.

han solo telling them about the reactor :slight_smile: i was dying


Oldie but goodie. So basically di they just throw all their random starwars themed skits together into one show? If so, then I didn’t really miss anything.


supposed to be mostly new stuff :gotme:

“heh heh heh, saber beats rock”

Part One:

Part Two: