50 Most beautiful people on Capitol Hill

This is the real deal. None of that Monica Lewinsky shit.


Sorry, but I would take Monica any day over this dude :gay2:


some of their picks make me go :bloated:

Apparently being white is the only beautiful to them.

Sorry i mean this piece of ass

oh wait i count 7 people that aren’t white.




“She even likes seersucker, though she says it takes a special guy to wear it well.”

fuck that most guys wouldn’t be caught DEAD in that shit

^ That chick is hot but so is Megyn Kendall one of the many FOX NEWS hotties.:tup:


i think it means that minorities will only make up 14% of the beautiful population


first girl ftw

#3 is way hotter then #1

all whores

for some reason these chicks in business clothes get my gears going much much more than say… porn stars… or paris hilton.

I’m guessing its cause these girls almost seem obtainable… and mmm success i’d like a bite of that

#3 easily

kinda like a beauty contest

you get there b/c of your looks

then they spend the rest of the time trying to rationalize how they picked you for your personality and accomplishments

waste of time. and just based on looks, i don’t see anyone on there who’s really all that attractive… i mean as much as you’d expect from the title

to be honest i can’t see a Poli Sci majors being attractive…

Its like having a NASA top 50 gorgeous people… hell they’ll send half to glamour shots to look half way decent to round out the bottom 40

holy suck me sideways
porn star in the making… the Crayoned on Eye Liner makes her look soooo trashy… and i love it!

She looks scared. I’m sure they could have gotten a better picture.

#6 is cute.
