572 in a 2003 Cadi



Too bad the stock hood doesn’t fit

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pooooooooossssssstttttttttt

Repost older than the internet, but still bad ass…

Still a bad ass ride

who cares, you are a douchebag but I don’t say that every time you post :greddy:

You must have me confused with someone else… I dont drive a VW :zzz:

Nope, I know exactly who I am talking to and it’s that douchebag that runs robert’s auto body, aka you…

I don’t you are a douchebag, but that’s irrelevant just like your posts…


Would need some mufflers but I would buy it.

lol, i love it

silver if he had an extra 15g’s in his pocket.

hell yeah ! id do like 10 mufflers on that though !!

wait no i wouldnt lol

different but the sound doesnt match the car.

put that 572 in my monte = GEAH!

def needs quieter exhaust & stock hood. I wouldn’t want the exhaust completely quiet, though. You gotta be able to hear the rumpety rump.