58 inch coorslight neon bar sign asking 500$

i will 3rd that

Ive known him for going on 5 years and dont think Ive ever seen him without a Coors Light shirt and/or hat on.

You might be a redneck if…

you drive a mustang??? lol :hug

I’d probably pay $1,000 for it…

There is a Nigerian King that keeps emailing me that has offered to give you a check for 100000000000 USD if you return him just 1000 USD via Western Union. He said that he needs your bank account, though.

dooooooo eeeeeeeeeeetttttt

please dont… i know someone whose done it… stupid people :frowning:

You did it. :facepalm

no not me :frowning: I like money to much to do something stupid like that :frowning:

ps: I know getting a 950$ check in the mail in my name is too good to be true unfortunately. With a note saying “sorry for mistake, please take 95$ out of it and send us back the rest”


That sucks that my friends doesn’t know value of money.

hahahaha if u know someone who actually fell for those Nigerian scams, thats fuckin hilarious, i’de laugh for 4 days

Four whole days, Singh? FOUR?


96 whole hours, Singh? 96?

No see it would probably be 92 hours