$100…are you insane?
coors light sucks.
But the mountains tell you when its cold
they go for alot more on ebay
id sell it on ebay then cuz 100 is insane for that mirror someone could pick up at a yardsale for 20!
first the off the wall price for the make shift paddy wagon trailer, now this. :facepalm
seriously, i just saw one on cl go for like 20
I got my sam adams one at the sam adams brewery for $35.
Deliver it to my house for 15
no surprise youd have something like this.
Keystone cardboard slogan inserts hanging on the wall > coors light mirror
Ive got a Budweiser sign I paid $1 for at a garage sale and a Genessee sign I got for free on my wall and I dont even like either beer.
I could buy alot of beer that I like for $100 though.
I want this just to fucking smash in a thousand pieces in disgust
hey breh thats are drink of choice at the klub
your always too drunk to know were giving you BUD light :ninja
na i know for a fact it was coor light breh but maybe i was out of it so its a possible chance