i love people

so its a nice friday day chilling with all my friends at a bbq, playing beer pong when me and 30thanniversaryss hear glass break. we ran up front but saw nothing out of the ordinary. so later on i begin to call my one friend and i walk to the front of the house. low and behold what do i find. a cobalt ls mirror.some asshole hit me. damage was minimal to a side mirror but still the units prolly going to be 200 dollars.sorry to rant but this fucking sucks i feel naked without my mirror

and of course it’s prolly driver’s side, too…

damn, you have the worst luck joe :frowning:

fucking christ people are assclowns. :tdown:

most evident when you drive on Main Street on a Saturday morning. (I usually drive that stretch at night, and it’s usually much easier at night…lol)

Sucks about the mirror Joe. I even tried looking on eGay for some for you, but nothing showed up. (There’s all kinds of alero mirrors on there, i figured there’d be cobalt ones too…)

I’m sure there is some ricer cobalt forum out there where you could find one cheap. From a wrecked car, but :tdown:

so joe was naked when this happened???

seriuosly that sux joe, me and some friends were sitting out back of my house a few years ago when the same thing happened

too bad it wasn’t mine, I can get them for my truck for like 30, I know I’ve already replaced them

Sucks, sorry to hear, Joe :tdown:

115 fior the mirror housing! 15 for the mirror!and 30 for the painted cover.but they dont sell them in black so it will have to be painted. this is fucking gay

sucks, i was whopping u was gonna pay me back the few dollars you owe me :sad:

$15 spray paint kit from the dealership FTW

sucks joe, hope somthign works out for u

it was me, sorry


people have no goddamn respect for private property, he/she must have been too much of a fucking pussy to own up and leave a note. Sorry to hear.

vi wont get the same paint look with spray paint ill just have my buddy paint them
