1- Bacardi silver bat $200.LINK to pic- http://www.neonsign.com/BacardiBatNeonfinal.html They want 349+shipping
2-Large Molson maple leaf $200 Ebay link.http://cgi.ebay.com/Molson-Neon-bar-light-Beer-Sign-coors-miller_W0QQitemZ260031667548QQihZ016QQcategoryZ2024QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
3-Marlboro neon light $100.
Ebay link- http://cgi.ebay.com/Antique-MARLBORO-Neon-Sign-In-NEW-condition_W0QQitemZ190031085025QQihZ009QQcategoryZ1271QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
4-Merit Cigarette Bowling neon.$100. can’t find a pic but could take one with the phone If you’d like.About 30" across and pretty neat looking.
5- Coors light MNF QB club.$250.No one has ever seen this one before. I can’t find online either.LND MISL has wanted it for yrs so he has first dibs.Will Let you know if he wants.
All neons work great and will be lit up and shown before you buy so you know they are OK