6/10 Euro Car Day 2007 - Car show at the rose garden


my dad has a perfect condition 1969 fiat spyder in the garage, it hasnt run in 6 years though, i really gotta get that thing moving

in other news, i have a work golf outing that moring or else id go


Tournament…if so my friends Dad is playing

If you enter the show vote for my pops in his restored white mga coupe

I am thinking about going. Would may car be able to? Their list seems to lack Audi.


I am thinking about going. Would may car be able to? Their list seems to lack Audi.


I’ll be there and I know of another S4 going.

Im already signed up so I will be there with the 951 though im pretty sure I wont win anything since mine isnt in show condition. Looking forward to seeing some nyspeeders there I didnt realize so many were going

shitty, in the past day I’ve raised half the money i need for my swap and suspension. so the touring stays home till I get the other half and do the work.

my dad has a fiat bianchina (no idea how to spell) though. same car Panos has

So yeah, my Vibrant SS flanges never came Friday to finish the new exhaust, so no Esprit at Eurocar day…

So I’ll be driving an '05 Bordeaux Pearl Elise instead, haha.

So yeah, that’s where to find me…

Booya shalock!

Joe, I have flanges in stock

Was a decent time. Good to see guys i haven’t seen in a long while, eric, xander and mike.


Joe, I have flanges in stock

Was a decent time. Good to see guys i haven’t seen in a long while, eric, xander and mike.


Thanks for saying bye! :2fingers:

As Don said, going seeing people again :slight_smile:


Thanks for saying bye! :2fingers:


I just would have flipped you off anyways!

I didn’t see you guys where the hell were you all hiding. I said hi to Xander and turned around for one second and then he vanished. I saw mike and that was it. You guys are snky.

Good to see you guys too.

Most Loti (or is it Lotuses?) I have seen in one spot.


Good to see you guys too.

Most Loti (or is it Lotuses?) I have seen in one spot.


Guest marque of the year, now officially it’s own class…

Good times, dad got first place… out of 2 MGAs that showed ha


That car was def. clean.

a lot of euro car people creep me out…


I was expecting a larger turnout, but good show regardless


I was expecting a larger turnout, but good show regardless


i didn’t see you. when’d you leave?


a lot of euro car people creep me out…



All the more reason to laser JDM into your new diffuser panel…

Congrats to your pops spence :tup: Nice day, always a neat little show.
Good to see some other peeps there.
