6.15.6 TITS


After at 10pm, come check it out

Have 1,000 drinks for me mike…cause 6/15 is soo my birthday :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

SoulLive is the main…and they are SWEEEEETTTTT!!!

:tup: Bump for a great time :tup:

Bedouin soundclash are pretty chill…definitely worth checking out.

ill be d.a.r.e.

I will be there…Skunk look for me under the big tree


yea…thanks jackass.

Ill b there drunk as allways :beer2: :beer2:

Im Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HamZoredddddddd

The After party was The ShiZZleeeeee

Why dont you drop the phone fag? i think boots is f*n with ya!

hahaha yeah definitly good times!

lots of speeders tonight

no after partay for me though

oh yeah brian cant hold his beer, after 3 he was wrecked! ! !

j/k good work!

I was fucking RIPPED by 7pm. I had to go piss on some random building cause the bathroom lines were too long. :lol:

And :tup: to Polish Powerrrrr lol

Great time, sooooooo many friends out, it was an absolute blast!!! Im gonna go to like every one from here on out. :slight_smile:

Downtown was crazy afterwards though, mad packed everywhere!



:word: x1698360374097254

i think getting out of that line and going to piss on the building was the smartest decision i made all week.

wall pissing FTW!!!1!!!

And to you Mr.Officer K- I Enjoyed making fun of all of the retarted looking people with you. and i also had 5 beers down before you even got there :wink:

:tup: Good times!!!

underage is drinking is what we support


i’m pretty sure i threw up in a cab last night…i really dont remember much though

hahah good times last night! :tup: :lol:

:lol: I could kind of see that coming :wink: you and Mike were cracking me up…soooo drunk and sooo funny!

are there any funny pictures to post Akvile?

^^ yea…lol

i wake up this morning to find out that i passed out on my bathroom floor for a few hours…i don’t remember that AT ALL!.. My roomates decided to take pictures… you see them taking a piss and me passed out. how nice.

Major work project owned me.

Once again…I miss all the fun lol. I was out cruizin with choda and that yellow vette…Brian knows which one :wink: