I’ve got about a week’s vacation that I gotta burn before the end of the year, so I’m gonna come back to the burgh for a week, sometime between Thanksgiving and Xmas. Anything special going on that time that I should time to aim for? Anyone have a hookup on Steelers tickets? cause I’d FUCKING DIE to catch a game when I’m up home.
when I’m up home, there will be a mandatory Pittspeed wings/strip club night. beer will be drank. titties will be seen. All the beer you can drink can be had for ONE DOLLAR. It shall be done, and it shall be done right, with no less than 4 n00bs being carried out to the cars at the end of the night. Sonny, Shag and I shall meet to critique some delicious coffee. The special kind of coffee that you could get at the a certain pizza shop in Sewickley.
Peace and harmony shall rule the land, and no one is going to try and stab Darkstar. :love:
This is the best you can do? Damn I figured youd atleast throw a football / weight lifting / ass beating story in there some where to try and intimidate me. youre a fucking joke.
Please I’m the joke? Your so fucking mature :jerkit: :ook at your stupid signature. You have your problem with IRT I have mine with DS, yet I don’t say a fucking thing to you because its your problem.