6/18 Taffy's Sunday Meet - 8pm

I figured it would be okay, but I got the fuck out of there anyway.

glad i left before this happened. was on alright night tho. Beck…we do need to get some better runs in soon. that one was way to close to call

man, the owner told us a window better be broke when he gets back, so why not break it. it was fun. i wish i could have done more

yea but it was some drunk guy who came out of yings

:snky:Yes… A drunk guy… from yings…:snky:His name… We only know him as “Windshield”…:snky:

yeah… drunk… :beer2:

lol good choice for user name




If you would have enjoyed some fine Juneteenth festivities with me you wouldn’t have had to endure such vile behaviour.

I dunno, as far as I was concerned some big dude kicked his head light…then destroyed his own car :gotme:


yeah I bailed, then ran down that kid in the senta with neons who was reving at us when we were at mighty. That was a funny outcome :lol:

PLEASE don’t fuck up anything around Bao. If you guys want to smash cars up do it at MT. DON’T play the part of being another potential threat to a good unique business again.

This is not meant to single anyone out, but rather a fair request. Keep the bullshit at MT.

Actually lets not have bullshit all together… I don’t feel like losing another spot to hang out at cause people want to be retards. so far everything has been cool BUT regardless if he said it was ok to or not thats so retarded and irresponcible.

For all you know you guys just help aide him in insurance fraud by the sounds of it. not to mention all the heat you guys could have brought down on the spot if a cop saw you guys doing that.

Can anyone say Over-reaction, the kid was cool with it who owned the car, It has been sitting there for 8 Months with no registration and no plates, and it was hauled off to the Junk Yard hours later. The kid was cleaning it out yesterday so he could send it to the junk yard this morning, thats why he did not care what happened to it. Drove by on my why home from work and it was gone. So no worries about the cops rolling through and telling us to leave, they never even cared and never even got the chance to notice a smashed up car. And they never said anything about last night to us when they were there.

yeah its gone i went and looked to when i went to mighty

Sounds fucking stupid to me…first off abondoning a car in a restaurant parking lot is illegal…second thats just stupid to smash a car in a public place…do you think a cop is going to car if you know the person whos car it is or that he told you to do it…if I was there I would had left too…people complain that there’s no where to meet up anymore and than you wonder why.

omg stfu its over to late no meet place no meet place its fucking over.

OMG, No Meet Place FTW. good mighty meet tonight boys :tup:

exactly what would happend cop showed up."i dunno there was some kid he came over to talk to us about r cars. he was 2 shits to the wind. there was another kid keying that lumina. we asked him what he was doing he said it was his car he abanonded it there, then he said something stupid abot destroying it. the drunk kid just started beating the shit out of the car. the owner didnt mind it seamed. then the kid ran back into yings. its so stupid it would work. the benifit of meeting in the area of a bar is that u can always blame the drunk guy.

drunk people and bars finally have a purpose, sweet!!!

next meet i say we curb stomp an old lady maybe beat up a mentally handicap i havent decided yet.