6 Stroke Engine..

Interesting read.

Good stuff…will be interesting to see where he goes with it.


Must insert 2 strokes in between three and four…

1 - Intake - Piston pulls down sucking in fuel/air
2 - Compression - Intake valve closes piston goes up and fuel/air gets compressed
3 - Expansion - (power stroke #1) Spark plug lights fuel/air mixture and everything heats up and expands, pushing the piston down
4 - Recompression (?) - Piston goes up (valves stay closed as this would normall be the exhaust stroke) and recompresses the mix

Somewhere between the beginning of four and the end of 5 liquid water gets sprayed in.

5 - Re-expansion (?) - Heat in cylinder vaporizes water, expansion drives piston down for power stroke #2.

6 - Exhaust - Exhaust valve opens and piston goes up, pushing out burnt fuel and water vapor

I think he just figured out how to stick a steam engine cycle in the middle of reciprocating internal combustion engine cycle, using waste heat as the fuel for the steam engine.

It seems so simple! I like it! :tup:

pretty cool stuff.

That is neat. :tup:

Very cool, but its been done - and this one flys :stuck_out_tongue:


very interesting, it would be interesting to see what it can do when it is attached to something.

Very cool stuff, this is a great example of what i think is more of the way engines of the future are going to be… more of an evolution of the original design. seems like everyone thinks engines of the future so to speak are going to be a far cry from a traditional piston engine. i think the other ones are cool, and new idea’s might be more efficient.

  However if there is one lesson learned from history it's that introducing new idea's to a mass market don't always work and major manufactures might be leary of putting them into mass production like they do with piston engines. take for example the rotary. great motor, it has it's flaws like everything but even that is pretty limited in production compared to piston engines and has been around for more than 40 years. 

anyhow all i’m really trying to say is this is a great example of what i think engines of the future will be more geared twords.

i’m not against new idea’s, i’ll take anything they can build as long as they can be modified and run like hell…

any debates? i’d like a discussion.

really great idea… I often think of cool stuff like this but never get a chance to acutally engineer it. I’ve got a great Tech related idea… but no way to make / impliment it.