7:00 PM, Sunday, 9/23/07: My Bubble Tea

I don’t have one, but I’ll check at Ables when I go. Last time I was there they has a couple T1’s, but both had some serious shaft play.

Where is this place?

sheridan before mighty on the right hand side

i was def going to be in for this when pat said the omni was getting a buff job, now im turned off to the idea. since he broke the other car. (its not bad luck when you beat the fuck out of a car 24/7 lol, its normal) esp. a dodge from the 80s


I may stop by with kate and thor. I could use some tea. Where tea = “skunkape.”





More OG’s check in please…


lol me and dan are comeing

93civichatch and 93dx–hatch aka devin and kan lol

mshadow will be there


ill go out for once

hmmmm maybe i’ll go. those bubbles scare me.

ill probably go. whose with me?



got any turbo’s for the omni laying around? oil seal blew out…86 t1…


you can borrow my 76gts


i was def going to be in for this when pat said the omni was getting a buff job, now im turned off to the idea. since he broke the other car. (its not bad luck when you beat the fuck out of a car 24/7 lol, its normal) esp. a dodge from the 80s


still may be there, we shall see…

I’m in.


ill probably go. whose with me?


i’ll go if you can get adam and jim to go

im pretty sure adam is going.

jim…not sure

and zong, don’t be gay. just go

This looks like it will be the meet of the year.

As it should be.

if my fucking partner gets here to UB soon enough so we can finish this g’damn paper then i’ll head over.